
Best advice for people scared of dogs: DON’T make a SCENE!

Here’s the thing. We get it. You are scared of dogs and everyone has to know about it. Maybe you got bit by one in the past.

So what? A dog bit my hand when I was ten years old. It was my fault; the dog was pretty much blind, I wanted to pet him, I surprised him, and poor thing got scared because he did not know I was coming and defended himself. I ended up with a bleeding hand and stitches, but that poor thing was scared more than me. It didn’t stop me or my family of having another dog.

So here are key steps what to do/not do when you are scared of a dog:

1- You are NOT at the center of that dog’s attention

People who are scared of dogs always somehow assume that they alone consume the attention of the furry animal. Not true! The dog is busy exploring the surroundings, smells, other dogs, other people. You don’t stand out, to a dog you are just another person passing by!

2- Do not suddenly stop & stare at and possibly yell at the owners (or dog)

So far everyone I had encountered who is scared of a dog, freezes a couple feet away. The dog most likely won’t notice you if you had just walked by and continue living your life.

By suddenly stopping you are making YOURSELF the center of the attention and you are making YOURSELF stand out.

You suddenly stop moving, that gets the dog attention- it is not normal behavior to a dog. Most people pass by, right? Asking the owner to “take care of the dog/put it on a leash/ grab it closer” is a reasonable request in human’s mind- to a dog, an UNKNOWN person in a hostile voice is talking to their owner,of course they will growl at you, they are sensing negative vibe and they will always protect their owner.

3- Don’t make the dog suspicious by making a scene

For some reason, people scared of dogs have a need to explain for ten minutes how they are scared of dog and how to “get that thing away from you.” There is no need to give a while background life-story on why you are scared. The dog now smells your fear, and you drew attention to yourself. Walk on by and this scene making can be over. No need for the story and background details on your fear of dogs. KEEP WALKING!

4- Most dogs (despite of what you think) won’t bite you

Most of the dogs you are scared of are nice dogs. Even if it is a Pit Bull, doesn’t mean it is a killing biting machine.

How about if you’re scared of a dog, just keep walking by and the dog won’t even care. Don’t stop and make a scene about how you are scared of dogs!

What do you think? What have your experiences been so far? Leave a comment below! Thanks for visiting my blog, and don’t forget to check out my books on Amazon!

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