
Julius Caesar and sexual innuendo

Surprisingly, I am so desensitized that highly elegant “til sweat drips from my b*lls” lyrics don’t phase me anymore. I have learned not to expect much from artists which call themselves “Pitbull, Tank, or Shorty Shitstain”…..
However, every now and then, the impoverished lyricism of today’s writers really grinds my gears. I was driving to Miami, nervously switching radio stations in the hopes of finding a song I could listen to… when I came across a Pitbull song. One of the lines uttered in his pretentious baritone was “I saw, I conquered, I came.” Dear Pitbull, “VENI, VIDI, VICI” is representative of an achievement, a historic moment that changed history. Caesar beat Pharnaces II in war….what any other horny teenager, and you, apparently, are so proud to be able to do, is not victorious or glory worthy.
So, please, stick to the common ABAB rhyming scheme for unoriginal sexual innuendos and at least leave us the beautiful tricolons and hendiatritis.

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