Month: July 2014

French don’t eat snails anymore

“I can’t tell you what to do. If you want to go, you can go. I think you’re a little crazy, and foolish. I don’t know why you want to go there; French are lazy people who can’t finish a war. You’ll have frog legs for breakfast and snails for dinner…”– Albert Gunner

We (Americans) are familiar with many clichés and stereotypes about the French; we think they eat baguettes all the time, women don’t shave their armpits, everyone smokes etc.... In my book, I describe French lifestyle a lot… because I think the existing stereotypes don’t describe modern France so well anymore.

Here are a few facts:

  • Most French people really don’t care about Paris. It’s Paris vs. everyone else. Parisians dislike people from other regions, and other regions dislike the snotty Parisians. In recent years, Paris has become highly commercialized and living there is ridiculously expensive. French don’t consider Eiffel Tower sticking out of every corner is a symbol.
  • Some still hang up their clothing and let it dry in the wind (remember Americans, time before washer-dryers?)…
  • Or the emerging African/Middle-Eastern culture and the influence of their cuisine, lifestyle? I can’t tell you how many times we had a late night kebab (a typical Turkish meal).

The posh days of eating snails are out. French nowadays eat kebabs on the street and watch synchronized American movies. And they love fries and McDonald’s no matter how “unhealthy” it is for you.

Do you, my readers, agree with me? Can you add more “stereotypes” about France from your own personal travels?

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Age:32 Real Feel: 65

I don’t know if it is the modern pace of life, or I am just really bad at aging….but I feel exhausted all the time. My mother who is 65 has more energy and willingness to do things than me. And that’s scary!

By the time I come home for dinner, I don’t want to make it. I just want pizza and the couch.

Nobody really tells you once you hit your late 20-ies, all of a sudden you feel tired constantly. It’s an unnerving process and it’s even worse to think what happens after 30…or after 40. Or maybe I am just a special case….but I don’t think I am. Does anyone else feel that way? Any tips on how to not feel tired all the time?

Thanks for reading and commenting!

P.S: Link to my book that I spend all my energy on…check it out, it’s cheaper than coffee 😉

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Go cocoon yourself

It’s Sunday.

Get off the internet (like I am about to do) and take a nap.

If you need to read something to relax, read my book. If not, hit that comfy bed, jump underneath the covers and cocoon yourself among the sheets. Rest your head on the pillow and slowly fall into the bliss of sleeping.

You need it, I need it.

Let’s do this! Who’s with me?

P.S: Thanks for reading my blog :)))

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7 years of hoping

“Jake Hudson, the perpetual thought in my head and a recurring topic of conversation in our family. It’s my fault, really. For the last seven years, I have been hopelessly in love with Jake; he’s my friend, the boy of my dreams and the man I hope to marry one day- he just doesn’t know it yet.” -Jenna Gunner

Today I’m posting about love, since I am in the mood to bash the stupid things our hearts do when we are in love (not talking from a personal experience at all, akhem…. )

Jenna Gunner’s biggest flop, if you want to call it that way, has been her devoted love for a guy who never promised her anything. Granted, her poor teen brain is filling her up with hormones which lack the ability to think rationally, but I see this happen with adults too. All the time. Has it ever happened to you?

In our minds we create silly delusions and block the reality from ever entering our brains. Every psychologist would say it’s a defense mechanism but I think at some point it is stupidity. Just how stupid can we get when we are in love, and just how much can we suffer when our love is unrequited? The simplest solution is just to get things straight….ask the person and be done with it!

 Anyone has good stories about unrequited love? Tell me all about them! 😀

Oh, and THANK YOU for the likes and new followers, I am so excited!!! Please, share your COMMENTS too, I feel like I am talking to myself otherwise XD

P.S: If you have Kindle Unlimited, my book is free…Check it out! 

Flip-flops to church.

“Alex’s attempt of wearing flip-flips to church was nipped in the bud with Uncle Bruce’s astringent “absolutely not.” I didn’t get what the big deal was; flip-flops in Florida rank higher than a tie anyway.” –Jenna Gunner

My character Jenna makes an astute remark about flip-flops which, I think, only Floridians truly get. For my family from up North, it seemed weird I wore flip-flops even in the winter time. In the snow. I got yelled at so many times by my Aunt. But for us, wearing flip-flops in snow, rain, hail or even to church was almost mandatory- sometimes I even chose my best pair to show off. Needless to say my buddies from Europe were shocked too. It was almost a crime to wear flip-flops all the time but for them it was for different reasons- mostly how unhealthy they are for your feet etc. 

This Sunday I’m wearing them again to church. Do you think it is inappropriate or is it a Florida thing? 😀

P.S: Thanks for reading my blog! Check out my book on Amazon 🙂


Add some hot chocolate to your stinky Mondays!

“I woke up, tossed and turned all night and ended up getting up at six in the morning. I sneaked out of the room and went to the kitchen to make some hot chocolate. Life is always better with a cup of hot chocolate.” Jenna Gunner- “Six months of Croissants, Café crèmes, Parties and Love”

Mondays are a pain in the butt. But they don’t have to be. Start them with something good. For Jenna, it’s a cup of hot chocolate that makes all the difference. What makes the difference for you?


Take a risk!

“It is not my first choice to go to the same vacation spot for the past twenty-one years of my life, but we are not the type of people that enjoy change.”

Jenna Gunner plans her whole life around the same cycle- school during the year and vacation in Syracuse at her Uncle Bruce’s house for the summer. The steady routine seems to work for her; she enjoys family BBQs and swimming in lake Oneida….and above all….she is in love! Jake Hudson, the love of her life, will notice her. One day. She just has to get his attention.

So how is it that she ends up going to France for half a year one day?

Read more in my new book, “Six months of Croissants, Café crèmes, Parties and Love” available on Amazon :))

Picture credit: Wikipedia

P.S. Thanks for reading my blog 🙂