
7 years of hoping

“Jake Hudson, the perpetual thought in my head and a recurring topic of conversation in our family. It’s my fault, really. For the last seven years, I have been hopelessly in love with Jake; he’s my friend, the boy of my dreams and the man I hope to marry one day- he just doesn’t know it yet.” -Jenna Gunner

Today I’m posting about love, since I am in the mood to bash the stupid things our hearts do when we are in love (not talking from a personal experience at all, akhem…. )

Jenna Gunner’s biggest flop, if you want to call it that way, has been her devoted love for a guy who never promised her anything. Granted, her poor teen brain is filling her up with hormones which lack the ability to think rationally, but I see this happen with adults too. All the time. Has it ever happened to you?

In our minds we create silly delusions and block the reality from ever entering our brains. Every psychologist would say it’s a defense mechanism but I think at some point it is stupidity. Just how stupid can we get when we are in love, and just how much can we suffer when our love is unrequited? The simplest solution is just to get things straight….ask the person and be done with it!

 Anyone has good stories about unrequited love? Tell me all about them! 😀

Oh, and THANK YOU for the likes and new followers, I am so excited!!! Please, share your COMMENTS too, I feel like I am talking to myself otherwise XD

P.S: If you have Kindle Unlimited, my book is free…Check it out!