
What happened when I stopped drinking caffeine

One rather boring Monday, I woke up. But this time around, I woke up feeling rested- which never, EVER happens; not since my teen years at least.

My regular Mondays consist of convincing myself for 10+ minutes that I do indeed have to go to work accompanied by the feelings of utter exhaustion and misery.

This time around though I woke up and felt good. To get myself through the day I usually take half a caffeine pill (equal to half a cup of coffee) and then for the rest of the day I drink soda (reserve judgement, I know it’s not healthy).

But that boring Monday morning I was glistening. A wild thought popped into my head- what if I go all day without caffeine?

So I did!

I felt powerful. Almost couldn’t believe I lasted through a Monday without any magic caffeinated pill to wake me up.

Then Tuesday came. I woke up miserable. The blissful sleep of the previous night was gone. But I didn’t want to go back to caffeine. I lasted a whole day, could I last another one?

So I did! Around noon, however, a throbbing headache started creeping up on me. I drank a lot of water but that’s not what my body wanted. More headache! I got home cranky and ready to punch somebody. I decided to go to bed early to sleep the pain away.

I don’t know why I decided to keep it up but that’s how I do things in life in general. Once I start I want to stick to it even if it doesn’t make sense. Was my body telling me to get some caffeine in it otherwise it will shut down? Yes. But was I semi proud that I made it two days without being addicted to caffeine and its magical effects it does on my preceptors? Yes!

It’s been a month now since I’ve had caffeine. I tell ya, I’ve heard many stories about how you allegedly feel so much better when you stop drinking sodas and coffee. One of my past co-workers insisted she was short of being reborn and rejuvenated and it actually showed in her radiant look. Me personally, I still feel lousy every day. I look sickly and have about as much energy as my 12- year old cat. The only difference is I fall asleep faster because I am beat by the end of the day.

  • How about you guys? Did you have better results since kicking caffeine to the curb?